You are my beloved Son; with you I am well pleased.
We are all children of God. However, we are not always pleasing to our Heavenly Father. We can be selfish and let a variety of sins and imperfections keep us from being the best of children. Thankfully, we are all beloved by God, even when we are least loving toward Him. It is through our baptism that we recognize God as our Father and through it we inherit a great mission to know, love, and serve God and all his children to the best of our ability. We might not always be successful in our attempts, but it is the trying which God wants from us. He, unlike the world, is not interested in a tally of wins or losses, successes and failures, he is much more interested in the doing of good no matter the cost. It is in being good and faithful servants that we too will be found pleasing to Him just as Jesus was, is, and ever will be pleasing to Him.
Do we feel beloved by God? If not, why do we think our sins can keep God's love at bay when the only thing that can do that is our denial of His love through our own despair or lack of contrition? How do we live out our baptismal calling to know, love, and serve God and His children?
O Lord, prepare us for the great and little missions of love in our lives and help us to live them out according to our baptismal calling.