Sometimes our good works can cause others to try to give glory to us, rather than to God. They may mean well, but our response should be one of humility. We should remind those who would honor us that everything good we’ve accomplished is the result of God’s Goodness. We have to resist the temptation to pride and remember we are but lowly servants of the Lord. We are witnesses, proclaiming the Good News and through we might play a part in God’s Plan... it is His Will that has brought about the good fruits we bear. We do not own them, but rather have been given our gifts and graces to glorify God as best we can, nourish the souls of others, and bring gladness into the hearts of those whom we meet each day.
How can we remain humble in the face of the praise of others? What can we do to remind others that all our good works come first and foremost from God? How can we do God’s Will is such a way to magnify Him and not ourselves?
O Lord, help us to proclaim your Good News with humble hearts.