Our faith isn't always easy to follow. Our Heavenly Father asks a lot of us. He asks us to love Him with all our hearts, souls, minds, and strengths. He asks us to be sincere in our love of others, even those who persecute us. He asks us to endure afflictions and face our trials and tribulations with hope and prayer. He asks us to be sympathetic to others and treat them with dignity. He asks us to be humble in our own estimation. All of these requests can be difficult to fulfill each and every day, but if we do our best and do penance when we fail, then we shall one day find ourselves before God and He will say, "Well, done, my good and faithful servants."
What ways of our faith do we find most difficult to follow? How can we allow God into these areas of weakness so He can help us overcome them? In what ways can we become more fervent in the Holy Spirit like Mary?
O Lord, we wish only to do what you ask of us like Mary did.