In times of distress, we should rise up and pray. We should pour out our hearts to the Lord and lift up our hands. We should make ourselves into living prayers, petitioning God for His aid. We should do this when we are in need or suffering and also when we see others who are in difficulties. And ultimately, we should trust in God’s Goodness and remain hopeful. We cannot let our trials or tribulations shake or uproot our faith. We cannot let our fears and doubts crush our spirits. Instead, we should believe in our Heavenly Father, His Beloved Son, and the Holy Spirit... who do not wish us harm and will do all in their powers to guide us through all our troubles.
Do we pray to God when we are in need or suffering? What about when others are undergoing difficulties? How can we grow in our faith and trust in God even during our darkest of nights?
O Lord, we hunger for your heavenly aid.