Living by the Spirit requires a great deal of trust in God. Letting go of our own desires can be very difficult to do. We are constantly tempted to gratify ourselves in various ways. We all have certain things we like to do and sometimes these things lead us away from what we are called to do. However, there is hope for us. We can overcome our flesh and weaknesses. We can moderate our passions and the things we enjoy so we do not become enslaved to them and are willing to give them up when they interfere with our spiritual lives. By recognizing that we can’t always get what we want and accepting that sometimes we are called to mortification and sacrifice, we can let go and let the Holy Spirit lead us to holier lives.
What desires of the flesh are leading us astray or distracting us from our true callings as Christians? How can we become more open to letting go of our wants and letting God give us what we need? What can we do to be more attentive to the inspiration and guidance of the Holy Spirit?
O Lord, we wish to live by your Spirit and not by our flesh.