Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Tuesday after Epiphany

Give them some food yourselves.

Sometimes when we are faced with a difficult situation we hope it will go away or someone else will take care of it. However, Jesus tells us what we should do instead. We should show pity and fix it ourselves, no matter how imposing the circumstances. Compassion for others in the midst of trials is an important aspect of our Christian calling. We are not just supposed to feed His sheep when it is easy, but also when it looks near impossible. Ultimately, the disciples trust in Jesus carries them through their miraculous mission to feed the crowd and because of this trust they gather a bountiful harvest from the crowd.

What do we do when faced with a difficult task? Do we try to run from it or pass it off to someone else or do we confront it and put our trust in God and do it ourselves? How do we show our pity and compassion to others in the midst of our own trials?

O Lord, help us to feed your flock through our thoughts, words, and works.



  1. While I am feeling blessed today, people in my life are dealing with death and life changing sickness. Compassion and empathy are all that I can give. Great words today, Joey.

  2. Glad my reflection could help. I'll say a prayer for the people in your life. God bless.
