Friday, May 25, 2018

Seventh Friday in Ordinary Time

Take as an example of hardship and patience, brothers and sisters, the prophets who spoke in the name of the Lord. Indeed we call blessed those who have persevered. You have heard of the perseverance of Job, and you have seen the purpose of the Lord, because the Lord is compassionate and merciful.

Perseverance is a virtue every Christian needs. We all will face hardship in our lives. Sometimes from pursuing our goals and other times when following our faith. If we let our failures and difficulties dishearten or dismayed us, then we can lose sight of what is important in our lives... namely doing God's Will to the best of our abilities. Our times of trial are when we must imitate the perseverance of Job and Jesus and Mary. They all suffered greatly in the pursuit of their goals and the living of their faith. However, God is compassionate and merciful and if we trust in Him, then we will be able to overcome every obstacle in the way of living out our greater calling.

How can we cultivate the virtue of perseverance in our lives? Are we accepting of God's compassion and mercy? Do we trust in God enough to pursue our goals and faith without reservation?

O Lord, give us greater perseverance in living our lives and following our faith.


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