We are all called to be Christ-like in our thoughts, words, and works and here Jesus gives us an idea of how we can do this. We need to be bearers of the good news to those around us, especially the poor and those in need of God’s love, mercy, and grace. Through our words and works we can bring comfort and perhaps even joy into the lives of those who need it most. If we do this, we will become living scriptures, manifesting God’s Will in all things and bearing witness to the gospel with our daily actions. Let us proclaim a year acceptable to the Lord with our every breath and thereby summon others to know, love, and serve the Lord and each other.
How do we bring glad tidings to the poor or liberty to the captives? How do we free the oppressed and those in most need of God’s mercy? What can we do in our lives to proclaim the kingdom of God?
O Lord, help us to manifest your gospel message with our every word and work.