Saturday, August 22, 2015

Memorial of the Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary

The scribes and the Pharisees have taken their seat on the chair of Moses. Therefore, do and observe all things whatsoever they tell you, but do not follow their example. For they preach but they do not practice.

We all know people who are hypocritical, in fact, we probably are hypocrites, too. Jesus warns his disciples to act in accord with the laws of Moses and the dictates of the Pharisees, but not to emulate their actions, which are preformed for their own glory and out of pride. The Pharisees may do “all the right things,” but they do them for all the wrong reasons. The fruits of their actions lay heavy burdens on others, are meant to be seen, and result in their honor. They are not merciful, done with humility, or for God’s glory. It can be easy for us to fall into a similar trap as we go through our daily lives. We can start to believe that we deserve honor and glory. We can come to see ourselves as better than others. We can even lay burdens on others because of our belief that our time, talents, or treasures are more important than theirs. This is not the kind of discipleship that Jesus is calling us to. He wants servant leaders, not overlords.

Do we practice what we preach? Does our every thought, word, and work have God’s greater glory as its ultimate end? Do we consider ourselves holier than others or as fellow sinners in need of salvation?

O Lord, conform our thoughts, words, and works so that we might live out the gospel message you preached.


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