Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Twenty-Eighth Tuesday of Ordinary Time

After Jesus had spoken, a Pharisee invited him to dine at his home. He entered and reclined at table to eat. The Pharisee was amazed to see that he did not observe the prescribed washing before the meal. The Lord said to him, “Oh you Pharisees! Although you cleanse the outside of the cup and the dish, inside you are filled with plunder and evil. You fools! Did not the maker of the outside also make the inside? But as to what is within, give alms, and behold, everything will be clean for you.”

God knows our hearts. We cannot fool Him by pretending to be good or righteous. Just because we might do the right thing doesn’t necessarily mean that we do it for the right reasons. It is not just what we do, but why we do it that matters to God. This is why Jesus focuses on giving alms to others. It is not enough to tend to our own physical and spiritual cleanliness. We must also be aware of the physical and spiritual wellbeing of our family, friends, and neighbors. We should constantly be on the lookout for opportunities to help others and not seek anything in return. If we know, love, and serve our fellow children of God as we should, then everything will be clean for us because we are imitating Jesus through our actions.

Where are our hearts? Are they with Jesus or the world? How can we cultivate a lifestyle that is founded upon giving alms and doing good for the right reasons?

O Lord, give us the graces we need to transform ourselves into perfect almsgivers, holding nothing back and never expecting in return.


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