Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am meek and humble of heart; and you will find rest for yourselves. For my yoke is easy, and my burden light.
Jesus’ Good News is an easy yoke to bear compared to the burdens of the Law. His commandments can be boiled down to two: Love God with all your hearts, souls, minds, and strengths and love your neighbor as God loves you. Some might find these two commandments difficult to do, especially if they have been mistreated by others or doubt God’s love for them. However, Jesus is telling us all the truth. If we all loved properly, there would be no burden in our lives, we would have the rest that comes from the inner peace of doing God’s Will. It is our own anxieties, worries, doubts, fears, sins, and imperfections that weigh us down and lead us astray. They shackle us to worldly things which run us ragged and never give us rest. The only way to find the rest we need is to be like Jesus, meek and humble of heart. We must be willing to put aside our pride and forgive those who persecute us so we can love them just as God loves them in spite of their faults. We, like Jesus, should give others every chance to do the right thing. We also need to realize we do not have a right to be free of suffering in our lives. Jesus, the sinless servant of all, suffered a thousand times worse than any of us have and yet we, in our pride, think we ought to be spared any evil. How can the metal of our souls be tested if we do not undergo periods of suffering in our lives. And when we do suffer, we should unite our trials with those of Jesus for the reparation of sins, the conversion of sinners (especially ourselves), and the salvation of souls.
Are we willing to take up the yoke of Christ and love God and our neighbors properly? What have we been doing to cultivate meek and humble hearts? Are we also willing to undergo our own passions so that a greater good can come out of them?
O Lord, we accept your yoke with meek and humble hearts.