Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Memorial of Saint Francis of Assisi

Martha, Martha, you are anxious and worried about many things. There is need of only one thing. Mary has chosen the better part and it will not be taken from her.

We can all understand where Martha is coming from. We constantly see people around us who aren't pulling their weight. We feel like we have to do everything and it feels unfair. At the same time, we are anxious and worried about certain things in our lives to the point where it can drive us to forget what is important. However, no matter how busy we might be or how unappreciated we feel, we should constantly remind ourselves that this life is passing away. Its only worth is that it gives us the opportunity to express our love for God and His children. Everything else is just a distraction that keeps us from choosing the better part. So the next time we feel overwhelmed by life, perhaps we should take a moment and place ourselves at the feet of Jesus and listen to him speak to us. Then, renewed in the Holy Spirit, we shall be able to return to our responsibilities with the vigor of Martha, but the faith of Mary.

Are we anxious about many things? Do we spend more time keeping ourselves busy or listening at Jesus' feet? How can we replace our worldly worries with the joys of hearing the Word of God and then doing His Will?

O Lord, we are anxious and worried, but with your help we will choose the better part.


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