Friday, January 27, 2017

Third Friday of Ordinary Time

Remember the days past when, after you had been enlightened, you endured a great contest of suffering. At times you were publicly exposed to abuse and affliction; at other times you associated yourselves with those so treated. You even joined in the sufferings of those in prison and joyfully accepted the confiscation of your property, knowing that you had a better and lasting possession. Therefore, do not throw away your confidence; it will have great recompense. You need endurance to do the will of God and receive what he has promised.

We must be willing to endure great suffering in our lives. Proclaiming our faith through word and work will not always be easy. Many times it will require sacrifices of us. These trials and tribulations can be discouraging, but our faith should not be founded on how painless our lives are. We should not see our faith as a bargaining chip that we can use to bribe God. Just because we believe in God and imitate Christ doesn’t mean our worldly lives will be blessed. In fact, the world may come to hate us, mock us, and persecute us for our beliefs. But if we endure and keep the faith even under the worst that life throws at us, then we shall have a great recompense and the reward of eternal life with our good and gracious God.

Are we willing to endure great suffering for our faith? How can we prepare ourselves to accept whatever sufferings do come our way in life? How can we increase our confidence that God will provide us with everything we need to overcome our sufferings?

O Lord, give us an enduring faith in you and your promises.


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