The questions Jesus poses to his disciples are questions we need to ask ourselves. Who do we say that Jesus is? If we think he is the Christ, the Son of the Living God, then that requires us to live our lives accordingly. He is our Lord and Savior and we need to recognize him as such. Our confession of faith in him is only as sincere as the thoughts, words, and works we think, speak, and do in his name. Our relationship with God also changes depending upon what we say He is... if God is our Heavenly Father, then we need to treat Him with the respect that is due to Him. If God is our Holy Spirit, then we need to cultivate our hearts so that they are fertile fields for the seeds of His inspirations. If God is our spiritual brother, then we are co-heirs to the kingdom and should act accordingly.
Who do we say Jesus is to us? What about God the Father and the Holy Spirit? How can we grow in our relationship with all three persons of the Holy Trinity?
O Lord, you are the Christ, the Son of the Living God.
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