Saturday, March 24, 2018

Fifth Saturday of Lent

I will make with them a covenant of peace; it shall be an everlasting covenant with them, and I will multiply them, and put my sanctuary among them forever. My dwelling shall be with them; I will be their God, and they shall be my people. Thus the nations shall know that it is I, the LORD, who make Israel holy, when my sanctuary shall be set up among them forever.

God’s sanctuary is within all of us. He wants to dwell within our hearts and as long as we keep them clean from sin... He is with us. However, if we do fall into sin, then we need to take the time and effort to cleanse ourselves and rededicate our whole being to doing God’s Will. We do this through the sacrament of reconciliation. In a way, each time we are reconciled with God, we re-proclaim our relationship as members of the Body of Christ. When we make a good act of contrition and do penance, then we are freed from our sins and given a new opportunity to make ourselves into worthy dwelling places of the Lord.

What are we doing to keep ourselves clean of the stains of sin and indifference? How can we make our hearts into pristine temples to the Lord? Are we making the best effort we can to seek God’s Forgiveness through the sacrament of reconciliation?

O Lord, dwell within us and help us keep ourselves clean of sin.


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