Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Twenty-Seventh Tuesday in Ordinary Time

You heard of my former way of life in Judaism, how I persecuted the Church of God beyond measure and tried to destroy it, and progressed in Judaism beyond many of my contemporaries among my race, since I was even more a zealot for my ancestral traditions. But when he, who from my mother's womb had set me apart and called me through his grace, was pleased to reveal his Son to me, so that I might proclaim him to the Gentiles, I did not immediately consult flesh and blood, nor did I go up to Jerusalem to those who were Apostles before me; rather, I went into Arabia and then returned to Damascus.

We all have ways of life we need to be converted from. Some of us must be converted from pride, others from envy. Some from wrath, others from sloth. Some from lust, others from avarice. Some from gluttony, others from a combination of these sins. No matter what sins we've committed in our past, we have a chance at redemption. God's Mercy is greater than our sins and if we confess our failings, do penance, and strive to do good and avoid evil, then we shall be more deeply converted. Our hearts will be transformed from stone to flesh and we shall grow in grace, spreading God's Word through our thoughts, words, and works.

What ways do we need to be converted from? What sins do we need to purge ourselves of? How can we become more faithful followers and messengers of God's Divine Will?

O Lord, convert us from our former ways of sin so we might grow in holiness.


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