Friday, August 9, 2019

Eighteenth Friday in Ordinary Time

I remember the deeds of the Lord. I remember the deeds of the LORD; yes, I remember your wonders of old. And I meditate on your works; your exploits I ponder.

Every day we should take time to ponder the words and works of the Lord. We can do this through reading the Scriptures and going to Church and receiving the sacraments. We can also do it through quiet times of spiritual reading, prayer, meditation, and even contemplation of the mysteries of Christ. We can also remember God’s deeds when we act charitably and mercifully and treat others with dignity. It is a remarkable blessing to make Him present in our lives through imitation of Jesus, which is the best way to know, love, and serve God.

Do we take time to meditate on God’s works, not only in Scripture, but also in our lives? Do we remember everything He has done for us and try to imitate Him in the way we treat others? How can we put into action the commandments of our Holy Father, the teachings of His Beloved Son, and the inspirations of the Holy Spirit?

O Lord, we shall always remember your deeds.


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