Saturday, November 1, 2014

A Glance to Heaven

The title of this blog comes from St. Therese of the Little Flower, when she writes:

"For me, prayer is an aspiration of the heart, it is a simple glance directed to heaven, it is a cry of gratitude and love in the midst of trial as well as joy; finally, it is something great, supernatural, which expands my soul and unites me to Jesus."

I've always loved this line and its reminder that prayer can be a simple glance to heaven, which we can do any time or place.

As I was considering what to call my short reflections on the daily Scripture readings, it was the most compelling title I could think of for this blog. For the last six years, I've set aside time to glance at God through His Word. Each day, I've meditated on the daily readings of the Church, reflected on them, asked myself questions based on them, and prayed to live out their meaning more perfectly.

This blog is where I plan on uploading these reflections for all to enjoy and use. What you'll find here are my personal thoughts on the Catholic Church's daily readings and I hope they are inspirational to those who happen to read them.

When will the reflections begin?

I plan on beginning the daily posts on Nov. 30th, the First Sunday of Advent.

Until then, I'll try to make a couple posts leading up to the launch of the reflections.

What will the reflections include?

They will include a short excerpt from the The New American Bible, taken from the USCCB's (U.S. Catholic Conference of Bishops) daily readings website.

This will be followed by a short paragraph of reflection, three questions related to the reading or reflection, and a short prayer (or glance to heaven) to finish.

That's it. Nothing too time consuming, something we can all do together each day.

Thanks for taking the time to visit this blog.

May God Bless and Keep You,

PS: Happy All Saints and All Souls Days!

Important Note:

These reflections are my own and although I try to remain faithful to the teachings of the Catholic Church, there may be times when I express something that is in error. That is the fault of me being human and the error is completely mine. If you do see something wrong with a reflection, then feel free to leave a comment explaining why you think so. All of these reflections were written pretty quickly so I'm sure there are things I didn't quite express correctly or that might be confusing. Thanks for understanding.

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