Sunday, August 7, 2016

The Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Do not be afraid any longer, little flock, for your Father is pleased to give you the kingdom. Sell your belongings and give alms. Provide money bags for yourselves that do not wear out, an inexhaustible treasure in heaven that no thief can reach nor moth destroy. For where your treasure is, there also will your heart be.

Jesus reminds us that God wants to give us the kingdom. He wants the best for us. He wants us to be not afraid. However, it is up to us to choose where our treasure is and to what our hearts belong. We can store up worldly riches or heavenly ones, but not both. One will always take precedence over the other. This is why Jesus tells us to sell our belongings and give alms out of the proceeds. He wants us to detach ourselves from the world so that we can attach ourselves to God. And when we do choose God over the world, we will be rewarded with a love that never wears out and no one can steal or destroy.

What are we afraid of? Where does our treasure lie? Are we willing to detach ourselves of all our worldly riches in favor of receiving our heavenly rewards?

O Lord, we treasure you and your kingdom over all our possessions.


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