Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Twenty-First Tuesday of Ordinary Time

“Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, you hypocrites. You cleanse the outside of cup and dish, but inside they are full of plunder and self-indulgence. Blind Pharisee, cleanse first the inside of the cup, so that the outside also may be clean.”

God calls us to be clean of conscience and heart. We cannot do that if we do not regularly examine our consciences and honestly evaluate our lives as Christians. If we are not reflective on our thoughts, words, and works, we can lose sight of what God is calling us to do. We can become hypocrites, just going through the motions of faith, but without any deeper meaning or motivation. Our outward acts of faith can become mere self-indulgence and self-glorification. This is why it is so important to cleanse ourselves of our selfishness and truly strive to do God's Will without thinking of how it can help us get ahead in life. Our faith and charity is not meant to make us look better in front of others, but rather it is meant to express our choice to follow God without counting the cost.

Are we hypocritical in our faith? Have we cleansed our insides so we can become better vessels of God's Love and Mercy? What can we do to ensure our thoughts, words, and works are done for God's glory and the good of others and not out of selfishness?

O Lord, cleanse us of our self-indulgence so we can be better bearers of your will?


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