There are many things for us to rejoice in during this season and throughout our lives. First, we should rejoice in having a God who is a Father to us. A Lord who Shepherds us. A Holy Spirit to guide us. We should be joyful for our lives, families, friends, neighbors, and even the strangers we meet each day. We should be jubilant at the thought of the graces, gifts, talents, and blessings God has given, is giving, and will give to us. And in return, we should honor Him, glorify Him, and praise Him for being so overwhelmingly loving of us, who are at times so terrible at loving Him.
Do we rejoice at everything God has given us? Do we give God the glory and praise He deserves? What can we do to honor God as He should be?
O Lord, let us always give you the glory due to your name.
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