Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Third Tuesday of Advent

Justice shall flourish in his time, and fullness of peace for ever. The mountains shall yield peace for the people, and the hills justice. He shall defend the afflicted among the people, save the children of the poor.

We all have the responsibilities of kings. We are called to protect the innocent and the weak. We are asked to defend the afflicted and save the poor, young and old alike. We are tasked with lifting people out of despair and giving them hope. We are to be an example of holiness to all those around us. We are to be just and merciful in our dealings with others. We are to bring peace and prosperity to all mankind, starting with our families, friends, and neighbors and then out to the rest of the world. We flourish and grow and produce good fruits when we act like kings should.

Are we living up to our responsibilities to be kingly servants to all? In what ways are we bringing justice and peace into our world? What can we do to defend the afflicted and save the poor?

O Lord, may our words and works yield peace and justice to others.


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