Pride is one of the deadliest and subtle of sins because it is so difficult for us to know when we are wrong about something or someone. Once we have an opinion, we often find it difficult to change it even in light of the arguments of others. However, we are not greater than the Son of God and by extension we should not consider ourselves better than our brothers and sisters who bear the image of God within their souls. Jesus came into the world to save souls, not condemn them. It was the sins he condemned, not the sinners. We should remember this model the next time we think we are better than someone else or desire to point out someone else’s failings. Most of the time, Jesus rebuked peoples' sins in a loving and mild way, we need to do the same. And if we have nagged or berated someone we should apologize for it and pray to be better instruments of God’s Love, Mercy, and Grace.
What acts of pride have we committed? Did we attempt to make amends for them? How can we do a better job of being meek and mild like Jesus?
O Lord, we are not greater than you. We are merely children in need of your loving example of forgiveness.