Saturday, April 18, 2015

Second Saturday of Easter

But they went forth and preached everywhere, while the Lord worked with them and confirmed the word through accompanying signs.

The Lord works with us. He gives us every grace we need to think, say, and do the right and good thing. Wherever we are lacking, he takes up the slack. We need to remember this the next time we face a seemingly impossible or very difficult task. We grow in our faith by risking ourselves for Christ, by being willing to go forth and preach the Gospel through our words and works. Let us be not afraid to be a sign of God’s love for His children. We may not cast out demons, speak in tongues, or anything else overtly special, but whenever we commit an act of charity or mercy, we perform a miracle. We should make sure we perform these miracles in the name of the Lord. When we do that we make ourselves and our actions into sacramental signs of God’s Love.

Do we go forth and preach the Gospels in our lives? In what ways do we recognize all the help God has given us? How can we be better signs of God’s Love, Mercy, and Grace?

O Lord, work with us to go forth and preach your Most Holy Word.


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