Thursday, April 9, 2015

Thursday in the Octave of Easter

"Peace be with you." But they were startled and terrified and thought that they were seeing a ghost.

When something unexpected happens we can become startled and terrified, just as the disciples were when Jesus appeared to them. However, no matter whatever happens in our lives, whether expected or not, God is constantly telling us, “Peace be with you.” He wants us to be calm and recollected in the midst of out triumphs and our trials. And if we truly trust in Him, we should always be at peace because we ought to know that He loves us and always has our best interest at heart. So let us be instruments of peace in this hectic world and welcome the Holy Ghost into our lives not with fear and trembling, but with joy and dancing.

Do we have peace in our lives? How can we cultivate the calm of Christ? What can we do to be an instrument of God’s peace?

O Lord, grant us your peace.


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