Sunday, November 18, 2018

Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time

But this one offered one sacrifice for sins, and took his seat forever at the right hand of God; now he waits until his enemies are made his footstool. For by one offering he has made perfect forever those who are being consecrated. Where there is forgiveness of these, there is no longer offering for sin.

Jesus’ sacrificed himself for the forgiveness of sin, once and for all. In a similar way, we also must be willing to sacrifice ourselves by forgiving those who trespass against us. It isn’t always easy to forgive someone who has done us wrong, but if we want to be true to our calling as Christians, then we must put aside our disappointments and dislikes and have mercy on everyone who has harmed us in one way or another. Jesus was willing to forgive those who mocked, tortured, and crucified him. We should be willing to do the same without hesitation. So, let us make our lives into a living sacrifices united with Christ’s poured out for the forgiveness of sins and the salvation of souls.

Are we willing to forgive those who have trespassed against us? How can we learn to be more merciful towards those who have harmed us? How can we free ourselves from the chains that come from being unforgiving?

O Lord, free us from any grudges we might hold against those who have sinned against us and help us to forgive.


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