All of creation should rejoice in its Creator. That is after all one of the reasons the whole world was created... to know, love, and serve our Heavenly Father. It is in knowing Him that we become wise and hopeful. It is in loving Him that we learn to become charitable and merciful. It is in serving Him that we fulfill our vocation as His children and co-heirs. He is the Alpha and the Omega of the universe and should be the beginning and the end of our lives. It is in, by, through, and with Him that we accomplish the greatest good. So, let our hearts and voices resound with hymns of thanksgiving, joy, and exultant praise for our Good and Faithful Lord.
Do we take time to appreciate all God has Created? What can we do this year, and in all our future years, to soak in the joy and gladness of creation? How can we be better children to our Father, who created us to know, love, and serve Him and all His creation?
O Lord, let us join the heavens and earth in rejoicing before you, our King and Father.