Thursday, March 26, 2015

Fifth Thursday of Lent

Amen, amen, I say to you, whoever keeps my word will never see death.

Death is something we all must face, but the death Jesus is talking about is not our physical death, but rather our spiritual one at the hands of our sins. When we commit mortal sin, we kill our relationship with God. We cut ourselves off from God and become like the mob who wants to stone Jesus. Thankfully, God is always waiting there for us to reconcile with Him. We do this by confessing our sins in the sacrament of penance and accepting God’s mercy within our contrite hearts. If we seek and accept God’s forgiveness we are given life, but if we do not do these things we remain dead. So let us keep Jesus’ word and make it flesh in us so that we might be the beloved and living children of God.

What sins do we allow to kill our relationship with God? How can we foster a contrite and mercy-accepting heart? How do we go about keeping the word of God?

O Lord, we want to keep your word and live forever with you.


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