Thursday, March 5, 2015

Second Thursday of Lent

My child, remember that you received what was good during your lifetime while Lazarus likewise received what was bad; but now he is comforted here, whereas you are tormented.

The world often mistakes wealth and success with being good and failure and poverty with being bad. However, this point of view is not God’s way of seeing. God looks past our actions and our possessions and sees what is within our hearts. His perspective is focused on our intellect, our hearts, and our will and not just our outward appearance. He knows whether our acts of seeming charity are truly good or if they are inspired by baser instincts. Judas performed all sorts of miracles as one of the Twelve. He certainly appeared to be good, and yet he betrayed Jesus with a kiss. It is not enough to do the right thing in regard to other people, we must also want with all our hearts, minds, and souls to do God's Will. In addition, we are asked to be charitable to those whom we might find most repulsive, either physically or mentally. Lazarus is covered in sores and a beggar. Two things which repulse many people. However, these are exactly the things which should attract us to love the infirm and the poor.

How many times have we allowed the outward appearance of others to keep us from acting charitably toward them? Are we like the rich man and so focused on worldly wealth and success that we forget to tend to those in need? How can we train our intellect and will to choose the good, not just for ourselves, but those around us?

O Lord, carry us away to your bosom in Heaven.


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