Tuesday, March 8, 2016

The Fourth Tuesday of Lent

“Look, you are well; do not sin any more, so that nothing worse may happen to you.”

After we are healed of our sins through the sacrament of reconciliation, we are given a new opportunity to live our lives as incarnations of Christ. Once we are forgiven, it is up to us to take the initiative and avoid temptations, sin no more, and do good works. If we do not, then we shall fall back into bad habits, lead lives of sin, and fail to do good when we have the chance. A worldly life of wickedness paralyzes our souls and sickens our minds, making it more and more difficult to cleanse ourselves as we either blind ourselves to the truth or sink into despair. So let us take the mercy and graces God gives to us through the sacrament of reconciliation and make them pillars in our lives. Then, we shall be able to rise up from our imperfections, failings, and sins and walk the narrow path to Heaven.

Do we receive reconciliation on a regular basis? If not, then why do we hold ourselves back from God’s Infinite Grace? After we are cleansed of our sins, do we strive to avoid temptation, sin no more, and do good works?

O Lord, you heal us through your sacrament of reconciliation. Give us the graces we need to sin no more and walk your Way, speak your Truth, and live your Life.


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