Monday, July 23, 2018

Sixteenth Monday in Ordinary Time

With what shall I come before the LORD, and bow before God most high? Shall I come before him with burnt offerings, with calves a year old? Will the LORD be pleased with thousands of rams, with myriad streams of oil? Shall I give my first-born for my crime, the fruit of my body for the sin of my soul? You have been told, O man, what is good, and what the LORD requires of you: Only to do the right and to love goodness, and to walk humbly with your God.

God requires only three things from us: to do what is right by following His commandments, to love goodness by becoming Christ-like in thought, word, and work, and to walk humbly with Him in faith. The world tries to distract us from doing these things. Our own pride can cause us to disregard these pillars of our spiritual lives. However, there is no replacement for these. No offerings can make up for our sins if we do not do what is right, love goodness, and walk humbly with our God. Our penances, mortification, alms, sacrifices, prayers, and good works will gain us nothing if they are done for the wrong reasons or in the wrong spirit. So, let us make sure our souls are properly aligned with the commandments of our Heavenly Father, the teachings of Christ, and the inspirations Holy Spirit.

Are we doing what is right and avoiding evil? How can we cultivate a deeper and more fruitful love of goodness? What actions can we take to ensure we are walking humbly with God and not away from Him?

O Lord, give us the minds to know what is right, the hearts to love goodness, and the wills to walk humbly with you, now and forever.


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