Sunday, September 30, 2018

Memorial of Saint Vincent de Paul, Priest

Vanity of vanities! All things are vanity! What profit has man from all the labor which he toils at under the sun? One generation passes and another comes, but the world forever stays. The sun rises and the sun goes down; then it presses on to the place where it rises. Blowing now toward the south, then toward the north, the wind turns again and again, resuming its rounds. All rivers go to the sea, yet never does the sea become full.

The world will move on without us. To think otherwise is to ignore the truth that what we do with our lives is but a drop in an ocean of time and activity. Everything we have in this life will pass away, except our relationship with God. And so, our time, talents, and treasures should be focused on knowing, loving, and serving God and His children to the best of our abilities. The sun will rise and set when we are gone and the only lasting impression we will make is the one we make with God. We will either be his good and faithful servants and enjoy eternal life or we will reject Him and become outcasts, grinding and gnashing our teeth. The world might give us the illusion of success and wealth, but if these aren't spiritual in nature, then they will come to nothing in the end.

Are we spending our lives on vanities and things that will not stand the test of time? Are we willing to labor for God and His children rather than for the fleeting successes and pleasures of this world? How can we make a lasting impression on God through our thoughts, words, and works?

O Lord, strip us of our vanities and clothe us in the graces that come from serving you.


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