Monday, June 17, 2019

Eleventh Monday of Ordinary Time

The Lord has made known his salvation. In the sight of the nations he has revealed his justice. He has remembered his kindness and his faithfulness toward the house of Israel. 

God has made known His Salvation in many ways. He made it known to the Israelites in the Old Testament. He made it know through the coming of Jesus Christ. He made it known through the life, passion, death, and resurrection of His Beloved Son. He made it known through the proclamation of the New Testament and the sacrifices of the early martyrs. He made it known through the institution of the Church and its traditions. He made it known from generation to generation through the guidance and protection of the Holy Spirit. He tries to make it known through us and through the way we think, speak, and work. He wants us to reveal His Justice and Mercy to all the nations. He wants us to show His Kindness to the world. So, let us be God-bearers, magnifying the Lord in all we are from the beginning to the end of each of our days.

Do we give God thanks for all He has done to save us from sin and death? In what ways are we making God’s Salvation known to others? How can we become better signs of God’s kindness and faithfulness toward all of mankind?

O Lord, make your salvation known to and through us.


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