Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Fourteenth Wednesday of Ordinary Time

Lord, let your mercy be on us, as we place our trust in you. The LORD brings to naught the plans of nations; he foils the designs of peoples. But the plan of the LORD stands forever; the design of his heart, through all generations.

Divine Providence is something we cannot fight against. It brings low the best laid plans. It reminds us we are dependent on God and not in complete control of our lives. This is a good thing because all too often we want what is worst for us. We lose sight of what is good and holy in favor of what is evil and easy. We let our temptations lead us into sin and enslave ourselves to the world in various ways. However, God’s Divine Plan is one of true freedom. The type of liberty that leads us to become generous and loving people. People might say God forces us along His Way, but we still have the choice to accept His direction for our lives or fight against it. If we fight against it, we lose opportunities to be good and faithful servants. If we choose to accept God’s Will, then we will grow in holiness and bear abundant fruits. So, let us place our trust in God’s Divine Plan and decide to follow God where He wants us to go.

Do we struggle against God’s Plan for us? How can we become more faithful to the Way, the Truth, and the Life God is leading us toward? What can we do to design our lives in accordance with God’s Will?

O Lord, we place our trust in you.


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